Internal Audit

Assist Plus internal audit and risk management services

Our risk-based approach will evaluate your business risks and help bring value to your organization. We will provide a tailored solution that fits your demands. We care, so we will help improve your business productivity and performance to the next level.

Internal audit system will serve to

  • Safeguards assets

  • Reduces the chance of fraud

  • Increases financial reliability and integrity

  • Enhances the efficiency of business operations

  • Ensures compliance with laws and regulations

To effectively set the audit for you, we will understand your business in terms of:


  • Organisational structure, functional roles and responsibilities performed 

  • Company Delegation of Authority hierarchy

We bring the following expertise:

  • Understanding business objectives and risks

  • Internal audit outsourcing

  • Risk assessments

  • Request A Quotation

Our internal audit and risk advisory & compliance services give an independent and objective assurance and

 are designed to add value and improve operations efficiency and


Our internal audit services include:

  • Outsourced Internal Audit

  • Setting-up Internal Audit as a function

  • Operational Efficiency Reviews

  • Compliance Reviews

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